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Imagen de Ibrahima Diaw

Ibrahima Diaw

Is 29 years old. He is a fisher in Saint-Louis, Senegal. He left his wife, his son and his daughter there. A friend of his lent him some money that he hasn’t been able to return. Competing with the advanced technological Chinese fishing fleet is really hard, so he does not barely receive any profit. After receiving several life threats from his friend, Ibrahima used a knife to intimidate him. He ran and hid. He came on board a dinghy that same night. The captain tried to throw him to the water but Ibrahima reached an agreement with him to stay on the boat. He spent nine days at sea with 122 other people.


Seven months have passed. Seven months retained in a hotel and in Las Raíces. He wants to go to Barcelona in order to find a job since his main aim is to clear his debt and have some peace after that. His brother took a dinghy and he is in the campsite as well. However, Ibrahima wants to solve his problems on his own. His mother could not stand the tensions of having a son in danger and she suffered a heart condition which caused her death a month ago. If Ibrahima is not granted political asylum and returns to Senegal to pay off his debt, there won’t be any peace for him and his family.

imagen con las palabras la corteza
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Ibrahima Diaw

Imagen de Ibrahima Diaw

Is 29 years old. He is a fisher in Saint-Louis, Senegal. He left his wife, his son and his daughter there. A friend of his lent him some money that he hasn’t been able to return. Competing with the advanced technological Chinese fishing fleet is really hard, so he does not barely receive any profit. After receiving several life threats from his friend, Ibrahima used a knife to intimidate him. He ran and hid. He came on board a dinghy that same night. The captain tried to throw him to the water but Ibrahima reached an agreement with him to stay on the boat. He spent nine days at sea with 122 other people.


Seven months have passed. Seven months retained in a hotel and in Las Raíces. He wants to go to Barcelona in order to find a job since his main aim is to clear his debt and have some peace after that. His brother took a dinghy and he is in the campsite as well. However, Ibrahima wants to solve his problems on his own. His mother could not stand the tensions of having a son in danger and she suffered a heart condition which caused her death a month ago. If Ibrahima is not granted political asylum and returns to Senegal to pay off his debt, there won’t be any peace for him and his family.